Abs Around the Holidays

The holidays. A stressful time of year. Hosting family get togethers, your in-laws are in town, mass amounts of cooking and cleaning and making sure your diet is six pack abs friendly and your workouts are on point and perfect - wait...what? No. Let’s back up. I would like to tell you that obtaining or keeping a six pack (of abs, not beer) is “simple with these steps:”. However, that would be a lie.

It is normal for people to get a little bit stressed about their eating habits around the holidays. Why? The answer is simple. DESSERT. CARBS. ALCOHOL. Need I say more? How can you resist the temptation? DON’T. The holidays are supposed to be for family, crazy schedules and treating yourself. However, if you are someone who gets stressed about those extra calories around the holidays, do not worry. If you plan ahead (check out blog post: Do You Have a Plan?), it will take the stress off when you’ve been eyeing that cookie all night and just want to indulge on some holiday treats.

I have found that a few days after eating sugar and indulging on Thanksgiving, I am bloated and maybe a little more tired. That is normal. After deviating from your normal eating habits, your body needs some extra nutrients and extra attention the following days. Now, I know it is easy to say “maybe I will get back into it after New Years”, but why? You want to approach Christmas and New Years feeling GOOD about yourself, making sure your body is being fed what it needs to function at its optimal level. Of course, you’re still enjoying your time with family and friends, but using the time between events and holidays to give yourself some attention.

What should you do? Well, everyone is different, but here are a few tips and things to remember during and between the holidays so you can be stress free around food and crazy workout schedules.

1. Drink PLENTY Of Water

Listen, I know it is hard to drink a lot of water during the day. Trust me I have been there. However, ever since I started drinking about 2-3 liters per day, my body has felt great. I eat less, just from feeling full, my skin looks clearer, I don’t bloat as much and I even feel more energized. Although it is important to always make sure you are drinking your water, pay extra attention during the holidays. You will start to feel a LOT better about yourself overall and it will help flush out toxins and anything your body is trying to reject.

2. Eat Your Greens

Eat those green veggies! They help with digestion and give your body so many of the nutrients that it needs to function. Just as I don’t want you to try and completely resist the urge to enjoy those treats, you also should not neglect those vegetables. Pick a few that you like and figure out a few ways to incorporate them into your daily meals! As always, if you need some ideas, I am here to help.

3. The Gym Is Not Going Anywhere

If you don’t workout everyday and stick to your schedule, the gym will grow legs and disappear! WRONG. You’re busy- that is OKAY! Your gym and exercise regime is not going anywhere. It is okay to enjoy yourself or let your body relax- it will always be there. Now take a breath. If you want to incorporate some exercising during the holidays and need some quick, at home workouts, head over and read our blog ‘Workouts For Home Or Hotel’ and make sure to keep your eyes open for our ‘25 Days Of Abs’ starting December 1st.

4. Creating Memories

Always remember, you are creating memories. Do you want to remember a holiday feeling stressed about food and working out? I can probably assume the answer is no. You want to look back and remember eating, drinking, laughing and enjoying your time with friends and family. You don’t have to overindulge to enjoy yourself, but you don’t have to restrict yourself either.

I hope these tips will help you to feel a little less stressed and a little more excited about the holidays. Enjoy yourself and stay safe! Happy Holidays everyone!



The Abs Company