Self Love and Leading with Gratitude

In the spirit of love and continuing to crush our fitness and nutrition New Year's resolutions, we have to remember a few things. Although we love having ripped abs and physically looking great, it is not only about  how you look on the outside. Are you internally healthy? Are you giving your body what it needs? Do you FEEL good? Are you happy? These are some questions you should be asking yourself while on your health and fitness journey.

It’s 2019. Suicide rates are up and more people generally feel depressed, anxious or down about themselves or their life than ever before. Although you should seek a professional if you are feeling depressed or have suicidal thoughts, there are ways to calm your anxiety in your daily life, check out Gary Vaynerchuk’s article ‘7 Tips for Dealing With Anxiety’!

If you are feeling frustrated about your journey or about your life in general, focusing on self love needs to be a priority. It is true what they say, when you accept yourself internally, it almost becomes instant that you accept yourself externally. This does not mean that there are not things you want to tweak about yourself. It may be ditching a habit, losing weight or changing careers. However, if you spend time feeling good about where you are going and the blessings you have everyday, you are bound for loving yourself even more!

I’ve been there. I have been in a place where I wasn’t happy with my body or events going on in my life. However, my best friend said to me “if you don’t like where you are then move, you are not a tree”. This sounds like one of those silly sayings that you read in a children’s book about life lessons, however, it worked. All it took was focusing on the positive things about myself and becoming so sure of who I am as a person, that I started to take action and everything started to fall into place.

Here at The Abs Company, we Lead With Gratitude. This has been the most beneficial thing for me in the past year. Waking up and making a conscious effort to think and truly be grateful for everyday and the opportunity to wake up and make your life a little bit better, can really change your attitude. I challenge all of you to wake up and before you step out of bed, think of 3 things you are grateful for that day and 3 things you want to get done that day to feel good - and make it happen! Join us!