Kristin Harrington - Commercial Sales Manager

We're excited to bring you our next Team Member Spotlight. Meet Kristin Harrington, Commercial Sales Manager here at The Abs Company. We love featuring our Sales Team. They spend every day speaking directly to our customers, doing everything they can to help them change the lives of their members. Embodying our mission - We Change Lives from the Core. Here's a little bit about Kristin... 

How would you explain your position/role at The Abs Company?

I help health clubs provide a better member experience by focusing on 2 key areas of the club - ABS and Functional.

How did you get into fitness/ the fitness industry?

Years ago I started working out and was amazed at how great I felt and how much fun it was. I ended up getting certified in spinning and also worked as a trainer.

What do you like best about your job?

I love to meet and connect with new people and to learn about their stories. I love the fact that I can have an impact on someone's life. Fitness truly does change lives!   

Which Core Value means the most to you and why?

We lead with gratitude.  I don't take anything for granted.  My mom died at age 36. I am so grateful for my health and the fact that I get to do what I love everyday and to truly change lives from the core. 

What is your favorite TAC product and why?

I love the Abs Bench X2.  You can do 3 exercises on one bench. plus it gives it that nice “burn”. I also love the Target Abs. It is so easy to use plus no adjustments.

What is something you enjoy doing outside of work?

I love decorating. I just bought a new townhouse and can't wait to decorate it.  You can literally transform a room by adding different color pillows and some green plants.

Anything else you would like people to know?

My favorite saying is have what you want, but want what you have!  Appreciate the little things in life.  Enjoy what you have instead of always searching for something bigger and better.