Michael Ritter - VP of Sales

We're excited to share our next Team Member Spotlight featuring our VP of Sales, and Partner at The Abs Company, Michael Ritter. Learn a little more about "Big Mike" here:

• How would you explain your position/role at The Abs Company?

I am a partner and Vice President of Sales

• How did you get into fitness/ the fitness industry?

I always played team sports and we would work out with weights to improve our strength and conditioning. I always loved training with weights and just about all aspect of training. When I was done playing team sports, I continued training and competed in both bodybuilding and Power-Lifting.

• What do you like best about your job?

I love many aspects of my job yet if I had to just chose just one, it is working in such an amazing industry filled with terrific people dedicated to improving the health of people from all over the world.

• Which Core Value means the most to you and why?

We believe that to be a great company we must have great RELATIONSHIPS. This is my favorite Core Value because I truly appreciate the relationships we have developed since 2007 working with our buyers, fellow vendors, etc. I cherish the friendships that I now have across all sectors of our business.

• What is your favorite TAC product and why?

Again, this is a tough one since I have many “favorites.” If I have to choose, I would say the Ab Coaster. This is the product that got me started in the business and still use this machine every time I train my abs. This is the #1 machine in the world for Abs - bar none!

• What is something you enjoy doing outside of work?

I love spending time with my wife and 2 daughters. Could be swimming, bike riding, board games, movies, etc. Never really matters to me as long as we are together.

• Anything else you would like people to know? 

I have always loved helping and working with others to improve themselves or their situation. For 15yrs, I led an Anti-Drug/Anti-Gang Program in NJ utilizing incarcerated men and women as the speakers. With this program, we not only helped the young people in the audience yet also helped the incarcerated folks find their purpose in life.