Joseph Ramos - Graphic Designer

How would you explain your position/role at The Abs Company?
I am the Graphic Designer at The Abs Company. I take care of any digital and physical graphics, as well as some video editing and 3D design.

How did you get into fitness/ the fitness industry?
I played football all the way through high school so I grew up always working out, or in the gym for years.

What do you like best about your job?
I like the fact that I get to do what I love everyday for a great company that I'm constantly learning from.

Which Core Value means the most to you and why?

Win, I like to win. I'm a born competitor.

What is your favorite TAC product and why?
I like the Vertical Crunch the most. It provides a solid core workout on a basic but effective machine.

What is something you enjoy doing outside of work?
I enjoy watching UFC and football on my free time.

Anything else you would like people to know? (fun facts, hobbies, awards, certifications, accomplishments, goals, favorite quote, etc.).

My goal is for something that I have created to be seen around the world.