DJ Hoffman - Director of Customer Experience

DJ Hoffman Director of Customer Experience

How would you explain your position/role at The Abs Company?
I help our customers solve problems with our equipment, and work to ensure that they have an exemplary experience using our machines.

How did you get into fitness/ the fitness industry?
I feel like I came in through the side door. I was working sales in the wellness industry and when the opportunity came about for me to move into sales in the fitness industry, I took it. We quickly determined that my skill set was best suited to work with dealers and re-sellers rather than club owners and operators. So I’ve spent the last decade working to provide our dealer network tools, training and encouragement to be able to represent us in the marketplace.

What do you like best about your job?
My role in Customer Service provides me with the chance to problem solve on a daily basis. I get to work with both technically minded folks as well as folks who just need something fixed and have never turned a wrench before. It’s challenging, rewarding, and enjoyable to help solve that problem for them.

Which Core Value means the most to you and why?
Leadership. We are at our best when we are striking out to do the things that others are worried about and not yet acting on.

What is your favorite TAC product and why?
I think it has to be the AbSolo. In 2013 when I was told we were buying the patents and the IP for the AbSolo I was very nonplussed; the machine felt ‘gimmicky’ to me. We brought our first prototype of our new design into the office and I was tasked with building it. I did so and when I was done, I tested it out. 90 seconds (and 43 throws) later I tried to stand up and realized I had wrecked myself with a powerful core workout and I didn’t even know it! It was a masterful distraction to focus on throwing and aiming while doing a hard core crunch workout!

What is something you enjoy doing outside of work?
I like to write. I’ve been working on a couple of novels that I hope to someday publish and get out into the world.

Anything else you would like people to know? 
"I’m a big fan of coffee and beer; I like to make both and I’m also a kick-ass baker. I also have a favorite quote that comes from JRR Tolkien’s The Hobbit:
“Saruman believes that it is only great power that can hold evil in check. But that is not what I have found. I have found it is the small things. Everyday deeds of ordinary folk that keeps the darkness at bay. Simple acts of kindness and love.” ~ Gandalf."