The Best Way to Get Started is to START!
“How to get ripped abs in 1 week”- is this you?
Is this something you would like to achieve in your first week of 2019? Well, I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but, you can not get ripped abs in 1 week. However, you CAN get a strong start on your 2019 fitness journey! If you don’t know where to start, start here; and if you haven’t already, review our last blog How To Pick A New Years Resolution. The best way to get started is to start!
1. Get Organized
A lot of people struggle when trying to figure out where to start on their fitness journey because we all want that ‘quick fix’ or more specifically, ‘lose 20-40 pounds in 2 weeks’. It is easy to fall off of your goals when you gear up for instant results and don’t see them. If having ripped abs was so easy, we would all have them!
Don’t worry! You can get there. Start with writing a list of your fitness goals and what you believe it will take to accomplish those goals (i.e. working out 4 times a week or not eating as much sugar). Next, determine the obstacles (i.e. time, motivation etc.) you may have to overcome and lay out specific steps you can take to overcome them (i.e. write out your schedule and find your “sweet spot” for time that you will have time for a quick workout, buy some new workout clothes or find someone on social media/podcast app who motivates you!). Now that you know what it will take and are prepared for some speed bumps, it’s time to move forward.
2. Seek Professional Advice
Asking for help can be hard sometimes. However, using professional resources such as a dietician or personal trainer can be helpful! Now I know what you might be thinking: “I don’t want to spend that kind of money on additional services”. The good thing is - you don’t have to! Most people/places offer free consultations. Don’t forget- you always have me, Emily Carrara, the Master Trainer at TAC, to help you! Lean on people who understand your goals and guide you in the right direction based on what you have laid out. It is easy to think BIG, and that is good! However, your smaller goals to reach your bigger goals need to be attainable and realistic. Seeking professional advice can be a huge help in making sure your organized plan will get you the results you want. Now, although you don’t NEED to seek professional help, I highly recommend it!
3. 1 Small Change
Once you have figured out what you need to do and have all your ducks in a row, it’s time to finalize your plan and take ACTION! List your priorities and start on your first task/goal. I recommend starting slow and building up as you go along. Maybe this means getting to the gym twice a week or having dessert only 3 nights a week instead of 7. Start as slow as you need. Every change makes a difference. Slow is ok, stopping is not!
Remember: there is no quick fix! The best thing you can do for yourself is to START. I have said it before and I will say it again, the best plan is the one that works for YOU! Happy New Year!