Get To Know MMA Champion Claudia Gadelha

1. What motivated you to get started in mixed martial arts?
I came from humble beginnings – I was very poor with few opportunities in Brazil, and no future. I discovered BJJ, and saw that if I dedicated myself to BJJ training and the philosophy of BJJ as well, that it could totally change my life for the better…and it did.

2. What are your interests outside of fighting and the martial arts?
Other than fighting, I enjoy planning and talking business for my career, and MMA Gym ventures. I like going to the beach and skateboarding. I like to always keep my body and my mind in motion.

3. What is your normal workout routine and your routine before a fight?
I train 6 days per week, with 2-3 sessions per day. The training intensity goes up a lot in Fight Camp, with 3 hard sessions per day.

4. What is it your favorite way to train?
My favorite thing to do to train is Jiu Jitsu. I love it.

5. How much cardio versus weight lifting?
I tend to do 75 percent cardio, and 25 percent strength training.

6. What is your eating regimen normally and before a fight?
I eat every 3 hours all year round. I try to eat clean, but definitely indulge in some chocolate…in moderation of course. However when fight camp starts I eat totally clean and healthy with no “junk” at all.

7. What’s your favorite exercise or routine?
My favorite non-fight training exercise is running – outside for sure!

8. What keeps you motivated to workout?
I love to workout! It makes me feel so good during and after. I really feel satisfied after a good workout..and have that great feeling of accomplishment when I’m done.

9. What are the best exercises to tone your abs? What type of equipment do you like to use?
I like to use the X3S to work my abs. I only do X3S type of movements for my ab training.

10. What is the best piece of advice you can give to a person trying to get in shape?
Start small but START. Do a little more today than you did yesterday. Be consistent and Stay Motivated. Believe in yourself and stay very committed! Follow your dreams..and you will make it there!