There’s Nothing ‘Sissy’ About The Sissy Squat

No matter how many new fads and crazes come up in the fitness industry, it’s hard to argue against the classics.  The bench press remains the champion of chest exercises, the pull up is still the gold standard for building your back muscles, and the bicep curl is still the surefire way to build giant arms.  But there’s one classic leg exercise that unfortunately isn’t given due credit--in fact, many gyms don’t offer options for this exercise in their space at all.  I’m talking, of course, about the Sissy Squat.

Slim, fit individual with pulled-back blonde hair perfomring a sissy squat on the X3S


The Sissy Squat requires an exerciser to lock their feet into position with a block or bench (see picture above) before performing their squat, thereby focusing all tension on the thighs.  We only need to look at the Sissy Squat’s origins to see why it’s so effective and well regarded in the fitness community.  Legendary fitness guru Monty Wolford was well known for his leg definition, and more specifically the fact that his upper thigh and middle thigh measured at the same diameter.  His secret? Compound movements in all of his leg exercises, which led him to invent a super effective move of his own: The Sissy Squat. (

And while other exercises like lunges and traditional squats get all the love, the Sissy Squat is often left in the shadows.  But it’s the compound movement that Monty Wolford employed that makes The Sissy Squat so effective.  Not only does the exercise work your quads and glutes, but it also incorporates the core to build incredible abdominal and lower back strength.  According to MiraFit, the benefits of The Sissy Squat don’t stop there:

  • They help you to build up your hip flexors – which is a really tricky area to target but will really benefit you if you can strengthen these up.
  • They’re great for building muscle – doing sissy squats will help you get that teardrop thigh shape you’ve been looking for.
  • They’re efficient – sissy squats are a compound exercise, so they help you target several areas in one go.
  • You can use them to progress – sissy squat benches allow you to do sissy squats with a barbell so you can progress your quad gains while staying secure.
  • They work your core – you can work your abs much more intensely than with normal squats which is another great benefit.

So, ask yourself: is my gym giving members the right options for performing this classic lower body exercise?  If not, we’ve got your solution.  Look no further than The X3S™ Bench, The Abs Company’s patented, space-saving, and affordable Sissy Squat machine.  Now, you can provide your members with all the benefits of the Sissy Squat in only about 3 feet of space.

While gyms everywhere must keep up to date with the latest equipment, never forget the power and influence of the classics!